Products & Services

Products & Services

Telstock provides a Telemetry Unit (AE2) and a Management Information System (VendVolution) that works with a M2M (Machine to Machine) protocol through mobile networks.
Our Telemetry System permits:
  • Remote monitoring.
  • Control analysis.
  • Information recollection from vending machines.
Our system notifies vending operators about:
  • Daily cash management.
  • Inventory status.
  • Machine Failures.
  • Technical problems via SMS, e-mail, or web through cellular phone, PDA, laptop or other communications means.

Our solution enables operators to increase sales and decrease costs by reducing "stock out" products and machine down time. Operators will be able to optimize their daily route planning and accounting systems by monitoring, gathering and analyzing financial data from machines including consumer behaviors during and after purchase processing.

The AE2 Unit
AE2 unit consisting of SW and HW: Unit is installed in every vending machine, interfacing via mobile networks between ERP platforms and your point of sale.
  • Fast and simple installation and operation
  • Compatibility with a wide range of automated machines.
  • High reliability over a long period of time including integrity of transmitted information
  • Communication through global GSM/GPRS networks
  • Low operating cost
  • Capable of selling virtual products (e.g. Top Up Service, Lottery Tickets, etc.)
  • In house design and manufacturing to optimize hardware functionality

Complete Management Information System (MIS).

Our software package provides viewing and management of data collected remotely, either GSM/GPRS or via handheld. This software is designed to access information available online with the objective to minimize downtime and stock-outs, while providing operational efficiencies of cash, route scheduling and product availability.

With our in house IT department we assure the constant development of new and improved software updates that can be remotely downloaded to our AE2 Unit.